Diversity benchmarking calculator
Use our free benchmarking calculator to compare your organisation's diversity stats to other organisations in your industry, region and team size. Our data comes from over 700 UK based organisations with tech employees, and our dataset is updated every year.
Step 1:
Enter your diversity data in the below form.
Step 2:
Review and filter your detailed benchmarking results based on your tech team size, region or industry.
Step 3 (optional):
Download your detailed benchmarking results as a PDF report that can be shared with internal stakeholders to support and inform your internal D&I conversations.
Your benchmarking data
Enter your diversity metrics below to see how you compare to other organisations in your industry, region and tech team size category.
How you compare to other companies
-- pts above the average
our dataset average is 29%
-- pts above the average
our dataset average is 25%
Your detailed D&I benchmarking results
Use the filters below to see how your organisation’s diversity compares by region, industry and tech team size.
Gender minority
Lower quartile
If the proportion of gender minorities at your organisation (shown in the coloured bar) is below this number, your organisation ranks in the bottom 25% of companies with your tech team size.
If the proportion of gender minorities at your organisation (shown in the coloured bar) is below this number, your organisation ranks in the bottom 50% for companies with your tech team size. If it is above this number, you are in the top 50%.
Upper quartile
If the proportion of gender minorities at your organisation (shown in the coloured bar) is above this number, your organisation ranks in the top 25% for companies with your tech team size.
Ethnic minority
Lower quartile
If the proportion of ethnic minorities at your organisation (shown in the coloured bar) is below this number, your organisation ranks in the bottom 25% of companies with your tech team size.
If the proportion of ethnic minorities at your organisation (shown in the coloured bar) is below this number, your organisation ranks in the bottom 50% for companies with your tech team size. If it is above this number, you are in the top 50%.
Upper quartile
If the proportion of ethnic minorities at your organisation (shown in the coloured bar) is above this number, your organisation ranks in the top 25% for companies with your tech team size.
Gender minority
Lower quartile
If the proportion of gender minorities at your organisation (shown in the coloured bar) is below this number, your organisation ranks in the bottom 25% of companies in your region.
If the proportion of gender minorities at your organisation (shown in the coloured bar) is below this number, your organisation ranks in the bottom 50% for companies in your region. If it is above this number, you are in the top 50%.
Upper quartile
If the proportion of gender minorities at your organisation (shown in the coloured bar) is above this number, your organisation ranks in the top 25% for companies in your region.
Ethnic minority
Lower quartile
If the proportion of ethnic minorities at your organisation (shown in the coloured bar) is below this number, your organisation ranks in the bottom 25% of companies in your region.
If the proportion of ethnic minorities at your organisation (shown in the coloured bar) is below this number, your organisation ranks in the bottom 50% for companies in your region. If it is above this number, you are in the top 50%.
If the proportion of ethnic minorities at your organisation (shown in the coloured bar) is above this number, your organisation ranks in the top 25% for companies in your region.
Gender minority
Lower quartile
If the proportion of gender minorities at your organisation (shown in the coloured bar) is below this number, your organisation ranks in the bottom 25% of companies in your industry.
If the proportion of gender minorities at your organisation (shown in the coloured bar) is below this number, your organisation ranks in the bottom 50% for companies in your industry. If it is above this number, you are in the top 50%.
Upper quartile
If the proportion of gender minorities at your organisation (shown in the coloured bar) is above this number, your organisation ranks in the top 25% for companies in your industry.
Ethnic minority
Lower quartile
If the proportion of ethnic minorities at your organisation (shown in the coloured bar) is below this number, your organisation ranks in the bottom 25% of companies in your industry.
If the proportion of ethnic minorities at your organisation (shown in the coloured bar) is below this number, your organisation ranks in the bottom 50% for companies in your industry. If it is above this number, you are in the top 50%.
If the proportion of ethnic minorities at your organisation (shown in the coloured bar) is above this number, your organisation ranks in the top 25% for companies in your industry.
Save a copy of your benchmarking data
Once you've entered your benchmarking data in the above form, you can click the button below to save a PDF report of your D&I benchmarking results.
“Within Technology & Digital at Global we believe if you can’t measure the problem, you can’t solve it. This aligns perfectly with TTC’s strategy to gather, analyse, and socialise DE&I data from across the Technology sector and provide us all with opportunities to reflect and grow. For us, being able to see how we compare to the rest of the industry and more importantly being able to make interventions to drive positive change is the reason we have and will continue to submit our data to TTC.”
David Henderson, Chief Technology and Product Officer at Global
“I passionately believe it’s important we capture the right data, and in the right way - it’s a key component to help drive our diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) strategy. By anonymising data through collaborative data sharing, we’ll be able to accurately track where we have been on our DEI journey and where we are going. Having data can also help ensure driving DEI remains at the top of the business agenda. With more TTC signatories sharing their data, we all can benefit in having a substantial data-set that can be utilised to help examine the success of DEI strategies and shape future initiatives.”
Debbie Irish, Head of HR for UK and Ireland at HP
Frequently asked questions
Each year the Tech Talent Charter surveys its membership base of Signatories. Signatories elect to be part of this process when they join the Tech Talent Charter. The survey is sent to the designated contacts within the Signatory organisation, chiefly the Data Contact and the Principal Contact. The Signatory submits the data to Tech Talent Charter via a web form. After being processed and analysed, the data is used to create benchmarks, updated annually. The benchmarking calculator reflects the data from the most recent survey.
We ask Signatories to tell us the number of tech role holders at their organisation, disaggregated by gender minority (women and non binary) and gender majority (cis men). We also ask for tech role holders disaggregated by ethnic group.
TTC does not, at any time, receive personal data that falls within GDPR. All data provided to us is already aggregated and anonymised by the Signatory.
Our data for the calculator comes from 708 Signatory organisations, employing approx 230,000 tech employees. It excludes a minority of Signatories who do not have any UK tech employees, and organisations who were unable to report diversity figures to us.
Our data does not include freelancers or contractors; it only includes employees.
We calculated the gender and ethnic minority percentages for each organisation that gave us data, and then categorised by size, industry and region. We then took the quartiles from this categorised data to give us the benchmarks.
Gender minority figures were calculated as a percentage of the sample whose gender was known.
Ethnic minority figures were calculated as a percentage of the sample who's ethnicity was either known, or where the employee indicated a preference not to disclose their ethnicity.
The data about your organisation that you enter onto the webpage is not stored by the Tech Talent Charter. However, if you wish to download your results, we will ask you to provide an email address so that this information can be sent to you.
In order to protect the anonymity of our Signatories and their employees, we have aggregated ethnic minority groups into one category. This prevents specific companies and individuals becoming identifiable when the benchmarks are segmented by region, industry or company size.
Tech Talent Charter operates within all the relevant data legislation such as GDPR. However, beyond this we also have a formal Research and Data partner, a consumer insight platform called Attest, who advise us on our data and research practices. They are accredited by the Market Research Society. They do not have access to any Tech Talent Charter data. They advise us on our research practices and support our work with consumer research.
Tech Talent Charter are also recognised by the Open Data Institute (ODI) as a Data Steward - a body that manages data for public good - and took part in the ODIs first Data Academy program on responsible data stewardship.
If you are from a Tech Talent Charter Signatory, please contact us directly as we may be able to provide additional insights to your organisation.
We use the term "gender minority" in our benchmarks because in the context of tech role holders, women and people who identify with a non-binary gender are minority groups. Even together, these groups are still a minority group. This compares to overall population data where, for example, women account for about half.
Our data sample for non-binary genders was so small (in the hundredths of a percent of the sample) and therefore we have combined women and non-binary genders together to ensure that the anonymity of the companies and their employees is protected.