Tech Talent Charter is closing.

Tech Talent Charter

Bringing together organisations to drive greater diversity and inclusion in technology roles


Who we are

The Tech Talent Charter (TTC) is a government-supported, industry-led membership group that brings together 700+ Signatory organisations and equips them with the networks and resources to drive their diversity and inclusion efforts.

Our broad base of Signatories includes companies and industries of all sizes, non-profit organisations, charities, leading UK educators, and government departments.

What we aim to achieve

The TTC was created in 2015 to address the UK’s tech talent shortage and diversity problem through collective action. 

Our goal is for the UK tech ecosystem to be a diverse and inclusive community where people from all backgrounds are welcomed and valued for their contributions.

How we do it

We provide concrete measurement and insights into diversity in the tech ecosystem and actionable ways forward by gathering, curating, and distributing innovative practices, techniques, and ideas.

Membership is free due to the generosity of our Principal Partners and our work builds upon contributions from our Signatories.

We are focused on action and measurable insights, so we require TTC Signatories to make a number of commitments. This includes providing a senior-level sponsor, having a plan in place to improve inclusion, collaborating with our membership, and submitting annual diversity data.


Diversity in Tech report

An annual report tracking diversity in technology across the UK - powered by BAE Systems Digital Intelligence

This report provides measurement, insights, and actionable ways forward with the aim of improving diversity and inclusion in tech. Based on D&I survey submissions from over 700 Signatory organisations employing 977,000 people - 230,000 of whom are tech employees - the report is one of the broadest and most up-to-date of its kind.

Diversity in Tech Report main image on colour background

How to join the TTC

Commit, sign-up, and activate. For more information on the TTC pledge process, please download our information pack

1. Commit

To become a TTC Signatory, organisations need to secure internal sign-off and commit to four things:

  1. People: Select a Senior Signatory who can sign up on behalf of your organisation and who will be the senior sponsor of any TTC work. You'll also need to select a Principal Contact who will work with the TTC on a regular basis and a Data Contact who will have the responsibility to submit your annual diversity data.
  2. Plan (tech employers): Have a plan to improve inclusion, including adopting inclusive recruitment and promotion processes and practices to support the development and retention of a diverse workforce. If you need help with your plan, you'll find examples of what other organisations are doing in our Open Playbook of best practice.
    Plan (consultants, recruiters, and other partners): Develop a plan to work with employers/clients and underrepresented groups to improve their inclusion and diversity in tech and provide support to adopt inclusive recruitment and promotion processes and practices.
  3. Practice: Collaborate with other Signatory organisations and the TTC to share what has worked and what has not worked for your company to drive best practices.
  4. Data: Every autumn, contribute your organisation's employment diversity data (which will be anonymised and aggregated) for publication in our annual Diversity in Tech report. Please read more information about this mandatory reporting requirement.
If your organisation can commit to these items, let’s proceed to the next step: sign-up.

2. Sign-up

Sign up to join the TTC and demonstrate your company's commitment to driving inclusion, enhancing your brand as an employer of choice.

3. Activate

We invite you to access and use the TTC Toolkit. This includes our Diversity in Tech Report and our Open Playbook of Best Practice. You can also attend a range of TTC events and networking opportunities. 


Are you ready to join us in driving greater workforce diversity?

In addition to gaining access to valuable insights, resources, networks, and tools that can be used to drive diversity and inclusion, membership also demonstrates your organisation's commitment to driving inclusion, enhancing your brand as an employer of choice.


How can we help?

TTC Data Q&A Sessions 400px

I need more information

I need to get my company on board with the business case and what being a Signatory will mean

TTC pledge in Leeds 400px

I'm ready to become a Signatory

I'm ready to formally become a TTC Signatory and publicise my company's commitment to inclusion and diversity in tech roles

Leeds ttc event 4 June 2019 400px

I'm already a Signatory

I am ready to drive diversity and inclusion in my workforce. Show me the TTC toolkit and the events page

How can we help?

TTC Data Q&A Sessions 400px

I want to learn more about D&I

Discover insights from subject matter experts, learn from recommended practices, and explore fresh perspectives on D&I.

Leeds ttc event 4 June 2019 400px

I'm already a Signatory

I am ready to drive diversity and inclusion in my workforce. Show me the TTC toolkit and the events page

What our Signatories are saying

"I am delighted that the Bank of England is now a proud signatory of Tech Talent Charter. We are committing ourselves to action by joining this collective effort and pledging to collaborate and share best practices with others, progress our plan to improve inclusion and share diversity data for collective intelligence. I strongly believe our commitment advances the Bank’s desire for meaningful change, continuing to hold ourselves accountable both to our staff and externally to our peers."
"eSynergy Solutions are proud signatories of the Tech Talent Charter and are honoured to be part of a community dedicated to taking positive and measurable action to improve the gender balance within the tech industry. Rather than re-writing the playbook, being part of the TTC community allows you to access a wide range of resources including their toolkits, playbooks and events to help support you in your own D&I journey. Our diversity and inclusion strategy is data-driven and evidence-based which means that is incredibly useful to be able to benchmark our progress using the TTC’s Diversity in Tech Report. We encourage other organisations to also pledge their commitment to the delivery of greater diversity in the technology and digital industry and take part in events and hackathons to cross share knowledge to work together to create a more diverse and inclusive industry."
"We are very proud to be a signatory - OVO is determined to hire and nurture a diverse and inclusive movement of world changers. We're solving humankind's greatest challenge and we need all of humankind here to help us. We look forward to learning from and networking with the TTC community."
"Obtaining a balanced workplace, where everyone is comfortable contributing their maximum potential, is key to achieving great business results and is motivational to all involved. As a technology function we are working hard to make sure that we achieve this through our recruiting and development of our talent. Through the Tech Talent Charter, I am looking forward to help drive this in any way I can."
"We are really pleased that our ICT Provider Publica Group Ltd along with Cheltenham Borough Council have signed up to the charter. We have a shared commitment to greater inclusion and diversity in technology roles."

Bank of England

"I am delighted that the Bank of England is now a proud signatory of Tech Talent Charter. We are committing ourselves to action by joining this collective effort and pledging to collaborate and share best practices with others, progress our plan to improve inclusion and share diversity data for collective intelligence. I strongly believe our commitment advances the Bank’s desire for meaningful change, continuing to hold ourselves accountable both to our staff and externally to our peers."

eSynergy Solutions

"eSynergy Solutions are proud signatories of the Tech Talent Charter and are honoured to be part of a community dedicated to taking positive and measurable action to improve the gender balance within the tech industry. Rather than re-writing the playbook, being part of the TTC community allows you to access a wide range of resources including their toolkits, playbooks and events to help support you in your own D&I journey. Our diversity and inclusion strategy is data-driven and evidence-based which means that is incredibly useful to be able to benchmark our progress using the TTC’s Diversity in Tech Report. We encourage other organisations to also pledge their commitment to the delivery of greater diversity in the technology and digital industry and take part in events and hackathons to cross share knowledge to work together to create a more diverse and inclusive industry."

OVO Energy

"We are very proud to be a signatory - OVO is determined to hire and nurture a diverse and inclusive movement of world changers. We're solving humankind's greatest challenge and we need all of humankind here to help us. We look forward to learning from and networking with the TTC community."

Superdrug Stores plc

"Obtaining a balanced workplace, where everyone is comfortable contributing their maximum potential, is key to achieving great business results and is motivational to all involved. As a technology function we are working hard to make sure that we achieve this through our recruiting and development of our talent. Through the Tech Talent Charter, I am looking forward to help drive this in any way I can."

Cheltenham Borough Council

"We are really pleased that our ICT Provider Publica Group Ltd along with Cheltenham Borough Council have signed up to the charter. We have a shared commitment to greater inclusion and diversity in technology roles."