2022 Inclusion in Tech Festival: This Works

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2022 Inclusion in Tech Festival: recordings now available

We had over 1000 people sign up for our Inclusion in Tech festival and have received lots of feedback sharing how the sessions have been full of practical takeaways. If you weren't able to join them live, you can catch up and learn from the Signatories that are having the greatest impact on DE&I. 

Thank you again to our festival headline sponsors, Beazley and to TTC Principal Partners, Department of Culture Media and Sport (DCMS), Global, HP, Lloyds Banking Group, Nominet and PwC and Supporting Partners, Attest, CWJobs, Unilever and Diversio.

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Day 1 of the 2022 Inclusion in Tech Festival: This Works

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Transcript available click here 

During this discussion we were addressing the following questions:

  • What solutions are being implemented by companies with the best gender and ethnic diversity?
  • What do hiring managers think about tech bootcamps?
  • What are the biggest challenges businesses say they are facing around DE&I?

Hear from the experts on the key highlights from our latest Diversity in Tech Report. 

Special appearance by:


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During this discussion we were addressing the following questions:

  • What factors make women in tech choose one job role over another?
  • What are the DE&I challenges faced by tech founders and VCs?
  • What do our European counterparts think about the UK's DE&I efforts and how do we compare?

Hear from experts in the space on the wider view of DE&I in tech.


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Transcript available click here

This sessions focussed on the practical ways that leading TTC Signatory organisations are using DE&I data

During this discussion we were addressing the following questions:

  • How are you moving from just measuring diversity to measuring inclusion & equity?
  • What do you use to track and measure DE&I data?
  • How are you using data to change how you recruit, retain & promote diverse talent?


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During this discussion we were addressing the following questions:

  • How do you measure diversity vs. inclusion?
  • How do you measure DE&I efforts in recruitment?
  • What measures do you use for assessing DE&I interventions? 
  • How do you avoid DE&I vanity metrics?

Hear from Signatories about how they are measuring the impact of their DE&I strategies and interventions.


Day 2 of the 2022 Inclusion in Tech Festival: This Works

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Transcripts available click here

During this discussion we were addressing the following questions:

  • What challenges do remote and hybrid working present to inclusive culture, and how do we mitigate for them?
  • What DE&I benefits are emerging as a result of more flexible working arrangements?
  • What changes are necessary for businesses to thrive in a hybrid setup?

Hear from leaders on how they make flexible working work for their employees.

Special appearance by:


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During this discussion we were addressing the following questions:

  • How do you optimise promotion processes to mitigate bias?
  • Which policies are key to improving retention?
  • What leadership skills and attitudes are necessary to support better retention and fair promotion amidst changing workforce attitudes and expectations?

Learn from industry leaders who have adopted new strategies at scale to retain and promote diverse talent with positive results.


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During this discussion we were addressing the following questions:

  • How are impressions of tech bootcamp learners changing?
  • How do you create successful onboarding experiences for tech talent coming from alternate paths?
  • How do tech skills providers and employers need to work together to optimise the talent pipeline for new routes into tech?

Hear from tech skills industry experts and Signatories that are leveraging new and alternate routes to fill their tech roles.


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During this discussion we were addressing the following questions:

  • What foundations do you need to have in place to support people whose diversity characteristics you can't see?
  • Which lenses of "invisible" diversity are businesses focusing on and why?
  • What resources and advice should companies consider when seeking to understand new or different diversity lenses?
  • How do you make the business case for diversity lenses that have had less media attention?

Hear from Signatories that have successfully implemented strategies to recruit, retain and grow people with "invisible" lenses of diversity (social mobility, neurodiversity, disability and LGBTQ+).


Diversity in Tech report

To find out this year's key stats, insights, and what separates the most diverse companies from the rest, access our Diversity in Tech report here.

TTC Open Playbook

Access our open-source catalogue of strategies, resources and case studies to support employers of any size to increase DE&I in their teams. 

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