Join the Tech Talent Charter
It's free to join the Tech Talent Charter (TTC) and access our many Signatory resources
To become a member, we ask is that your organisation commits to a number of pledges related to your approach to the recruitment, promotion, and retention of a diverse workforce.
View our impact video to see what TTC achieved with Signatories in 2021.
The benefits of joining the TTC
1. Collaboration
You'll get a unique opportunity to collaborate with our 700+ Signatory organisations to learn, share, and access practical tools and materials
2. A broader toolkit
Access sector-leading insights, programmes, initiatives, and practices to improve your inclusion strategy
3. Attraction and engagement
Demonstrate your commitment to driving inclusion, enhancing your brand as an employer of choice
4. Benchmarking
Access benchmarking data to understand your position across a range of indicators in relation to diversity and inclusion
What we ask from you
To join us and become a TTC Signatory, organisations need to secure internal sign-off and commit to four things
Select a Senior Signatory with responsibility for the Charter commitments, and provide a named Principal, Data and PR contact.
- Senior Signatory - the senior TTC representative for your organisation and the person who is leading on the commitments your company made when signing up as a Signatory.
- Principal Contact - the person responsible for liaising with the TTC directly. They are included in all our communications with your organisation.
- Data Contact - the person who completes your company's data submission annually (usually in September/October), which feeds into our Diversity in Tech report. For more information on our annual data submission requirement please see our data collection webpage.
- PR Contact - the person responsible for liaising with the TTC in relation to mutual promotion, press opportunities, logos, quotes, social media etc.
Tech employer
Have a plan to improve inclusion; including adopting inclusive recruitment and promotion processes and practices to support the development and retention of a diverse workforce (you'll find examples of what other organisations are doing in our Open Playbook of best practice to help with this).
Consultants, recruiters, and other partners
Develop a plan to work with employers/clients and underrepresented groups to improve their diversity and inclusion in tech and provide support to adopt inclusive recruitment and promotion processes and practices.
Collaborate with other Signatory organisations and the TTC to share what has worked and what has not worked for your company to drive diversity and inclusion.
Every autumn, contribute employment diversity data (which will be anonymised and aggregated) for publication in our annual Diversity in Tech report. Before signing up to the Charter, we request that you ensure your organisation understand what our mandatory reporting requirement is and have reviewed the latest questions which your organisation will be required to respond to annually. You will find this information on our data collection page.
Join over 700 organisations and become a Signatory of Tech Talent Charter
If you're happy with these commitments, and want to join the TTC as a Signatory, please send us an email at