Tech Talent Charter events


Join a Tech Talent Charter event

The Tech Talent Charter brings together our Signatories and leading subject-matter experts to discuss and develop actionable outcomes related to diversity and inclusion in the tech ecosystem through our events. These events also encourage collaboration and information sharing between our Signatories and their networks.

Interactive diversity calendar

The Tech Talent Charter has developed an interactive diversity calendar that allows you to stay up to date on awareness days throughout the year and to hear about upcoming diversity and inclusion events we are running.

You can subscribe to this calendar to have all the dates saved and synced to your calendar. Please subscribe to the calendar below. 

This calendar is for anyone with a passion for D&I, whether you are a TTC Signatory, a D&I professional making plans for the upcoming year, or just want to stay informed.

If you would like to share a national awareness or appreciation activity for the calendar, please contact

Click to subscribe to the TTC events calendar (1)

New to the Tech Talent Charter? 

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Maximising the partnership sessions

This session will show how you can leverage and maximise being a TTC Signatory. We'll show you some of our key resources, like the Open Playbook and annual report. This session will also provide information on how you can publicise your involvement with the TTC.

Learn, solve and collaborate sessions 

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Signatory forums

These sessions are for all TTC Signatories and are a chance for you to connect, share, learn, and collaborate with the TTC team and monthly guests on key topics and emerging themes related to D&I. These sessions are led by our CEO, Debbie Forster MBE, with the TTC's Co-COO, Karen Blake.

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Share and learn sessions

During these sessions, a panel tackles top-of-mind conversations and topics related to D&I and shares their experiences. These events share best practices and thought leadership in areas that can help your organisation develop actionable plans. We also raise awareness around the different lenses of diversity.

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TTC D&I Labs

The TTC Labs are invitation-only events that are a peer-group collaboration to deep dive and roadmap a D&I topic and produce a functional solution based product to share with the ecosystem through our Open Playbook and research projects.

Sponsoring a TTC events

If you'd like to find out about sponsorship opportunities, please click the below button.


Past TTC Events

2022 Inclusion in Tech Festival

We had over 1000 people sign up for our Inclusion in Tech festival and have received lots of feedback sharing how the sessions have been full of practical takeaways. If you weren't able to join them live, you can catch up and learn from the Signatories that are having the greatest impact on DE&I. 

Virtual share and learn sessions 

Here is an example of a recent share and learn session. The TTC collaborated with auticon to deliver a session that shared how auticon works with partners to provide education about neurodivergence in the workplace. View on YouTube.

Join 827 organisations and become a TTC Signatory

If you are ready to join us in delivering greater workforce diversity and inclusion, click the button below to join the TTC.

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