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Signatory guest blog: Embracing Equity at Coeo

Jun 22, 2023 2:36:21 PM

At Coeo equity is absolutely fundamental across the organisation the employee lifecycle. We’re still in our infancy in our diversity and inclusion journey, but as a Tech Talent Charter (TTC) Signatory, the energy and determination is well and truly there. Coeo has been built on a "people first" foundation; we believe that if we invest and look after our employees they will do the same for our clients, and if our people don’t flourish, neither does the organisation. 

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It’s Social Mobility Awareness Day

Jun 15, 2023 12:05:57 PM

Social Mobility Awareness Day celebrates its second year on the 15th June, a day organised by Making the leap to help raise awareness of social mobility and encourage organisations to share their social mobility stories.

Of all the D&I areas of practice we surveyed our Signatories on for our Diversity in Tech report, only 38% of Signatories are looking at data on Social Mobility. This blog will highlight why you should care about Social Mobility, why it is a tech problem and what you can do to improve Social Mobility practices within your organisation.

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Image of business leaders seated at two round tables and in discussion with each other against an office room backdrop with office posters in the background, one of which has a large image of a woman wearing a headscarf

Social Mobility: how do you measure it?

May 24, 2023 9:19:52 AM

What we learned about businesses’ social mobility practice when we put 75 business leaders together in Edinburgh.

The Tech Talent Charter’s Diversity in Tech Roadshow landed in Edinburgh last week, where we were joined by over 75 industry and business leaders. The aim of our roadshow was to discuss the latest findings of our annual Diversity in Tech report and explore the regional insights and topics of interest highlighted by Scottish tech teams and businesses. One key focus of discussion was the measurement and support of social mobility within tech roles and organisations. The Social Mobility Commission reports that Scotland is making improvements and in some cases outperforming other UK nations on social mobility measures. However, there are still substantial challenges and vastly different career outcomes correlated with socio-economic background. 

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